How to Avoid and Eliminate Limescale In A Kettle

How to Avoid and Eliminate Limescale In A Kettle

Limescale is a very common problem and does not necessarily come down to you doing something wrong - it is normal for kettles to develop limescale especially if they have not been cleaned for a longer period of time. Do not worry, in this article we will be going through, why does limescale appear in kettles, What you can do to avoid limescale in the future and how to eliminate limescale if it does appear in your kitchen appliances.

Limescale is a very common problem and does not necessarily come down to you doing something wrong - it is normal for kettles to develop limescale especially if they have not been cleaned for a longer period of time. Do not worry, in this article we will be going through, why does limescale appear in kettles, What you can do to avoid limescale in the future and how to eliminate limescale if it does appear in your kitchen appliances.


Limescale is the chalky white residue that sits at the bottom of your kettle. Limescale appears because of hard water, when calcium and magnesium are dissolved in the water.

Limescale is often not noticed in kettles as it will sit at the bottom. If limescale is not noticed and eliminated as soon as possible it will slowly start deteriorating the kettle. There are a few temporary fixes that we will go through later in this article that will help you eliminate limescale.


Avoiding limescale is really difficult as it can happen to any kettle regardless of what water you use. We would recommend not using tap water to boil the kettle, many recommend to fill up the kettle with filtered water or bottled water.

Now, that does sound quite a stretch right? just because of some limescale build up - in some cases if you do have the premium and more expensive kettle you would not want it to break because of it the limescale build up or let it get so out of control that you can no longer use the kettle.


There are a few proven ways of eliminating limescale from your kettle. Firstly starting off with limescale eliminating tablets and liquids that are pre-made and can be bought from websites such as Amazon, eBay and most supermarkets. We would only recommend these solutions if the others do not work and you are still facing the limescale problem.

One of the best proven methods of eliminating limescale is by using lemon juice and vinegar. Boil the kettle with about 200ml of water and a lot of lemon juice, repeat that process twice and dispose of the water. You should see the limescale going away.

Step two, fill the kettle up with approximately 200ml of water and around 250ml of vinegar, boil the kettle and wait for it to settle. Dispose of the water once done, we would recommend boiling the kettle just one more time with water to get rid of any tastes from the vinegar or lemon juice.

That process should help you eliminate the limescale that has built up in your kettle. If not we would recommend using special liquids/tablets to eliminate the limescale or purchase a new kettle.


Hopefully this guide has helped you remove limescale that has built up in your kettle and you can once again enjoy your kettle without the worry. If your kettle has not been able to be saved we have a wide range of kettles available in stock that you would love, have a look!

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