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The energy efficiency of a space heater depends on the type and model. Some newer models are designed to be more energy-efficient, incorporating features like adjustable thermostats and programmable timers to optimize heating. However, the overall efficiency also depends on how well the space heater is used and maintained. For efficient use, select the appropriate size for the space you want to heat, ensure proper insulation, and avoid running the heater continuously.

There are several types of space heaters, including convection heaters, halogen heaters, ceramic heaters, oil-filled radiators, infrared heaters, fan heaters, and indoor gas heaters. Each type has unique features and advantages, catering to various heating needs and preferences.

Safety features vary among space heater types, but modern models often include safety measures like tip-over switches, overheat protection, and cool-to-the-touch exteriors. Halogen heaters and oil-filled radiators are generally considered as the safest options due to their stable design and lack of exposed heating elements.

Space heaters can help reduce energy bills if used strategically. By heating only the areas you need and lowering the central heating, you can save on energy bills. However, it's important to use them judiciously and efficiently to see noticeable savings.

Many modern space heaters include safety features that make them safer to use during sleep, such as overheat protection, tip-over switches, and timers. However, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and maintain proper clearances to reduce fire hazards. Never leave a space heater unattended while sleeping.